11-week summer
user interface +
user experience
1 UI/UX designer intern
2 SWE interns
1 product coach
1 technical coach


As the UI/UX intern on this team, I enhanced a tool for one of the biggest fast food chain’s in the world. This tool was designed to process information coming from the chain of custody of cattle enabled by Cattle RFID tags. These RFID tags collect important information about a cow’s lifecycle and are used to validate sustainability claims within corporations.

Due to NDA restrictions, I am unable to display the work I’ve completed during this internship. Please contact me at msharm30@illinois.edu to learn more!


This process began with discovery – since our team was picking up Phase 2 of this project, there was lots to learn about this tool and its functions. After learning about the background of the tool, it was time to begin the design process. I started by creating a revised user flow of the tool – this helped me figure out how I wanted the tool to function. After this, it was time to move on to wire-framing – I started with lo-fi wireframes, and after approval from the team, I then went on to create hi-fi wireframes. After I felt confident in the wireframes, it was time to make a clickable prototype! After this was complete, the file was sent over to my teammates for development. The SWE interns were able to deploy the tool in Cargill’s environment for use by the end of the internship.


After completing this internship, I am thankful to say that I am returning in Spring 2022! This entire process has taught me skills that will carry over into my career – for starters, I worked with some AWESOME developers. Having the opportunity to collaborate with them grew my communication skills and taught me a lot about the dev world. In addition to this, I also gained familiarity with the Agile workflow – as a team, we worked through 6 sprints which allowed us to break up our tasks and work effectively as a team. Lastly, I had the opportunity to learn a new tool – Figma! As an Adobe XD person, transitioning to a new prototype tool was challenging – I went into this internship with no knowledge about how Figma functioned but with help from my fellow design interns, I was able to learn and grow both as a person and as a designer!